Short note on environment impact assessment studies.
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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process that identifies both the positive and negative environmental effects of significant developments prior to planning permission being considered. It aims to prevent, reduce or offset any identified significant adverse environmental effects of development proposals.
The EIA process is a method of ensuring that planning decisions are made in the full knowledge of the environmental effects and with full engagement of statutory bodies, local interest groups and members of the public. The responsibility of completing an EIA lies wholly with the developer.
The types of projects for which EIA is required are often complex with a wide range of potential environmental effects. They often occupy extensive sites or are in sensitive locations. They are likely to raise issues which are not always easy to resolve and which often attract contentious representations. For such projects EIA provides a systematic approach to obtaining and considering environmental information.
The EIA process promotes sustainability by enabling environmental factors to be given due weight, along with economic and social factors, when planning applications are being considered.
Examples of where EIAs have been required include Castle Quays and the Former Jersey Dairy site.
The EIA process is a method of ensuring that planning decisions are made in the full knowledge of the environmental effects and with full engagement of statutory bodies, local interest groups and members of the public. The responsibility of completing an EIA lies wholly with the developer.
The types of projects for which EIA is required are often complex with a wide range of potential environmental effects. They often occupy extensive sites or are in sensitive locations. They are likely to raise issues which are not always easy to resolve and which often attract contentious representations. For such projects EIA provides a systematic approach to obtaining and considering environmental information.
The EIA process promotes sustainability by enabling environmental factors to be given due weight, along with economic and social factors, when planning applications are being considered.
Examples of where EIAs have been required include Castle Quays and the Former Jersey Dairy site.
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EA is defined as a planning tool to identify, understand, assess and mitigate, where possible, the environmental effects of a project.
- to encourage the study of the cumulative effects of physical activities in a region and the consideration of those study results in environmental assessments."
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse.
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