short note on soil erosion and conservation
“Soil conservation is the prevention of soil loss from erosion or reduced fertility caused by over usage, acidification, salinization or other chemical soil contamination. ... A sequel to the deforestation is typically large scale erosion, loss of soil nutrients and sometimes total desertification.”
Soil erosion
is defined as the wearing away of topsoil. Topsoil is the top layer of soil and is the most fertile because it contains the most organic, nutrient-rich materials. Therefore, this is the layer that farmers want to protect for growing their crops and ranchers want to protect for growing grasses for their cattle to graze on.
Soil conservation
is the best way to make sure that we have the land we need to live on or, in my case, live in. If you see your soil eroding, protect it with grass or plants. If you see something that's making the soil sick, do everything you can to make the soil healthy again. If you live on a farm, make sure that the soil on your fields and pastures stays right where it is right now! Call my pals at the Natural Resources Conservation Service. They'll tell you all you need to know to get things going and growing!