What happens if contribution becomes too negatice codeforces
Recently we’ve changed the contribution formula. Now it reflects the current social activity, that’s why all votes for posts and comments are divided by two every 180 days. On the one hand it helps to distinguish the currently active Codeforces members, on the other hand it makes the contribution top more dynamic and opened for the newcomers.
For example, now Egor is the leader of the contribution top because of the (mostly) many interesting posts about ACM-ICPC World Finals. But it looks like 9 months after the World Finals, he can loose the first place.
Also I’ve made some changes with the votes:
Now the negative score is not shown (just 0) if it is in range [-5,-1]. I did it because many of you downvote just because you see the negative score.
Visualization of vote in comments.
Changed some rules to transform votes to contribution, but it is a monotonic function anyway.
A comment becomes partially transparent if it has -10 or less (it was -5).
A comment becomes hidden with the message about too negative feedback if it has -25 or less (it was -10).
formula changed cant help bro