whAt is India nationalism
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Indian nationalism developed as a concept during the Indian independence movement fought against the colonial British Raj. Scholars note that a national consciousness has always been present in "India", or more broadly the Indian subcontinent, even if it was not articulated in modern terms.
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What is nationalism?
Academic definition says, ‘Nationalism is a shared group feeling pertaining to a geographical or demographic region seeking independence to preserve its culture and/or ethnicity.’ Going by this definition, in the Indian context, ethnicity is clearly not the basis of our nationalism for India being a multi-ethnicity country. The second aspect, i.e. culture must be the basis then.
Culture encompasses very wide aspects of life - knowledge, belief, art, law, customs, dance, music and all other aspects which one experience as societal not individual experience.
India is a multi-lingual, multi-religious, multi-caste entity. Here we have all forms of diversities from bhangra to kathak, matriarchal societies of kerala to strongly patriarchal society of gangetic plains.
So, what is that binds all of us - the inhabitants of this nation called India together after so many differences?
The answer lies in the history. Back then in 17th and 18th century, the concept of a nation was still alien to this geographic entity defined by Himalayas in the north, Indian Ocean in the south, Bay of Bengal in the east and Arabian sea in the west. The lack of this sense of unity and joint consciousness among people was fully exploited by the British, as a Bengali soldier did not hesitate to fire upon a Madrasi, a Madrasi on a Punjabi. This inherent weakness which made India fall to the level of a colony of the west was very well recognized by the educated Indians like - Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar, Dayanand Saraswati, Periyar E.V. Ramaswani, who started attacking social evils like - sati, caste system, women subjugation that have kept Indians backward for centuries. Their pioneering work was carried forward in the early 19th century by the leaders like Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpath Rai. But it was the arrival of Mahatma Gandhi which brought a paradigm shift in the national consciousness of India. It was Mahatma Gandhi who realized the real India resides in the village. He undertook extensive tours, organised satyagrahas and galvanized whole of this geographical entity into one unit. This was unprecedented, as till now only the educated Indians took part in freedom struggle, now the whole of the masses were standing together who showed exceptional qualities of Mass struggle and sacrifice in the non cooperation and civil disobedience movement giving freedom struggle a truly national entity.
The work was not still complete. Feeling of nationalism was there but India was still not a nation.
What is nationalism?
Academic definition says, ‘Nationalism is a shared group feeling pertaining to a geographical or demographic region seeking independence to preserve its culture and/or ethnicity.’ Going by this definition, in the Indian context, ethnicity is clearly not the basis of our nationalism for India being a multi-ethnicity country. The second aspect, i.e. culture must be the basis then.
Culture encompasses very wide aspects of life - knowledge, belief, art, law, customs, dance, music and all other aspects which one experience as societal not individual experience.
India is a multi-lingual, multi-religious, multi-caste entity. Here we have all forms of diversities from bhangra to kathak, matriarchal societies of kerala to strongly patriarchal society of gangetic plains.
So, what is that binds all of us - the inhabitants of this nation called India together after so many differences?
The answer lies in the history. Back then in 17th and 18th century, the concept of a nation was still alien to this geographic entity defined by Himalayas in the north, Indian Ocean in the south, Bay of Bengal in the east and Arabian sea in the west. The lack of this sense of unity and joint consciousness among people was fully exploited by the British, as a Bengali soldier did not hesitate to fire upon a Madrasi, a Madrasi on a Punjabi. This inherent weakness which made India fall to the level of a colony of the west was very well recognized by the educated Indians like - Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar, Dayanand Saraswati, Periyar E.V. Ramaswani, who started attacking social evils like - sati, caste system, women subjugation that have kept Indians backward for centuries. Their pioneering work was carried forward in the early 19th century by the leaders like Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpath Rai. But it was the arrival of Mahatma Gandhi which brought a paradigm shift in the national consciousness of India. It was Mahatma Gandhi who realized the real India resides in the village. He undertook extensive tours, organised satyagrahas and galvanized whole of this geographical entity into one unit. This was unprecedented, as till now only the educated Indians took part in freedom struggle, now the whole of the masses were standing together who showed exceptional qualities of Mass struggle and sacrifice in the non cooperation and civil disobedience movement giving freedom struggle a truly national entity.
The work was not still complete. Feeling of nationalism was there but India was still not a nation.
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