Political Science, asked by ahmadsaad44, 1 year ago

what is the difference between discrimination based on gender and religion​


Answered by maheshsaritha381

Answer from Bhanurapelly25

The difference between the discrimination based on gender and religion - the discrimination on the gender-male/female.ex:: discriminating the girl child,killing the girl child when born etc.... The discrimination of the religion means the discrimination of the types of religions of a place.-domination of Muslims,Christians etc... Discrimination of religion is discrimination among the religions and discrimination of gender is discrimination among the male/female.

Answered by Kritikachouhan123



1.beside the caste based discrimination, gender-based discrimination is also a widespread in our country.

2.women are paid less for the same amount and type of work done by men.

3.abortion, neglect, abandonment and female infanticide are harsh realities of India as well as in many countries.

4.The uneven sex ratio is due to the dislike many people have for the female child .

5.as the gender differences has been formed through society, it can be eliminated over time.

6. in many communities, infant mortality rate(number of deaths in a given year or period) is higher among girls.

7. Female foeticide and infanticide and evil practices against women widespread even in 21st century, are examples of gender discrimination.


1.religious differentiation is another vital cause for existence of gross inequalities in our society .

2.history is full of wars fought in the name of religion and even our country was partitioned on the this basis.

3. the constitution clearly defined that India is a secular country yet prejudiced behavior leads to discrimination and injustice against certain communities.

4.often misguided people spread communal tension in the society.

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