English, asked by cutiepie6091, 11 months ago

What is the use of literatures selected democracy


Answered by sathyanappu63

Literature can always teach something else; e.g. one of the current tendencies in poetry is to mix its aesthetics with philosophy and/or politics, science, etc. (as in the social poetry from 20th Century), but this is also happening in the newest narrative, with novels crossing the boundaries between the 'classic' concepts of fiction and essay.

The readers can learn a lot from classic novels as "1984" (or "War and Peacer or whatever) about our current/recent society, History and politics, but also much more complex ideas about (or, at least, get some tips about those topics and read non-fiction later -if interested). So, I'd say that literature (but also other arts, even non-narrative ones) can certainly develop the perception of politics in citizens.

But, is that enough to improve politics? Not directly, but better citizens (more critical, more informed and more educated) will demand better politicians and I like to believe that literature is a good way to improve ourselves. Of course, reading just plain politic novels will make the readers ask questions, and that should also improve the politics of a country.

Moreover, the role of literature can be vital in those countries where citizens suffer dictatorship and/or censorship: censors sometimes ignore -or understimate or do not understand- the power of literature. So maybe those citizens can't read politic essay but they can read a novel and bloom to some degree of political knowledge from it.



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