English, asked by hemasaraogi6, 1 year ago

Why did ghost materialized


Answered by varuncharaya20
When an ephemeral entity materializes, how does it interact with Arcana? Is a ghost still affected with death or can life or forces affect it as long as it is solid? Ditto with spirit etc.

If a ghost or spirit has or takes on the form of an owl (for example) and then materializes, how obvious would it be that it is not a real owl (assuming the Mortal Mask numina is not involved)? Assuming visually it looks exactly link an owl. Would any perceptual use of life (or death for ghosts or spirit etc.) identify it for what it is?
Answered by Anonymous


Materialize definition, to come into perceptible existence; appear; become actual or real; be realized or carried out: Our plans never ...

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