Why Yama and Niyama are important for value development?
Yamas, the 5 observances and Niyamas, the 5 commitments are the ethical aspects of Raja, the Royal Path of Yoga. They lay down a strong moral and ethical foundation. It is important to experiment with them, so that we understand our behaviour patterns, our social and cultural values and our intrinsic nature.
Yama and Niyama showcase the ethical aspects and Royal Path of Yoga. They help in understanding the behavior and nature of the person and increase their standard of living.
Yama and Niyama portray the ethical aspects and Royal Path of Yoga. They lay down a strong moral and ethical foundation. Yama and Niyama helps in understanding the behavior patterns, social and cultural values and intrinsic nature of a person.
An individual practicing Yama is illustrated to avoid violence, stealing, wasting energy, and lying. Niyama renders healthy living, cleanliness and spiritual enlightenment. Niyama helps in triggering training of the senses and the mind, discipline.