Geography, asked by honey5119, 1 year ago

Write a favour on pollution has no solution


Answered by Subhammodi
compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas
Answered by gokkuladithya05


Pollution is an act of making something physically impure and unclean. Air refers to the invisible ,tasteless mass of gasses that surrounded the earth. The physical addition of material that turn the air impure or unclean is called Air pollution.

High levels of smoke pollution in man's living environment is not a recent origin. High levels of smoke pollution in indoors was witnessed at ancient times as our distant ancestors used to lit fires inside their houses.

In air ,pollutants may be in gaseous form or in particles of matter. Gases like sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides etc. Which are emitted through combust of fuel etc. and particular matter which are very small in size but suspended or float in the air are major pollutants. These pollutants may be through natural sources or man made sources.

Natural sources

Many natural phenomena and sources emitted different kinds of gasses and small particular matters like.. Volcanoes which emit hot lava and huge and dense cloud of dust laden with chemical fumes rich in sulphur, methane and other gases are also emitted. The air borne dust is carried to long distances as it is thrown up to a considerable height in the atmosphere where from the area of its spread naturally becomes large. Even one Volcanic eruption is enough to block the sun light from reaching the earth surface.

Strong winds and storm naturally occurs everywhere. Huge amount of dust is deposited on vegetation and household things besides causing damage to natural resource and property. So dust storm can be a another region of pollution. As example Delhi pollution is also a result of dust Storm taking place in Arabian region.

All green plants are the sources of oxygen production and also consumption of carbon dioxide. But they release organics which may react with atmospheric gases and produce the common ‘ blue haze’ over the forests which can be seen from long distances. It also cause deterioration of air quality.

Accidental fires in forests and savannas and grasslands by natural process of lightning, friction between dried vegetation such as bamboos ,etc. take place naturally. These fires generally spread to large area and throw out large quantities of semi brunt ash, unburnt hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide,nitrogen oxides etc. which cause air pollution.

In other sources ,decay of vegetable matter ,animal wastes,and dead bodies of animals which is associated with release of gases like methane, ammonia, and hydrogen sulphide etc. And foul odours into the air. Oceans are also source of aerosol emissions of fine particles of common salt. Fungal spores,bacteria and viruses reach to long distances by wind action and spread viral fevers and several other diseases, some of which become epidemic.

Man made sources

We are very well known about this…because there is large variety of human activities by which air is subjected to pollution. These man made source subjected to pollution are- house hold activities, industrial emission, agricultural chemicals,automobile emissions.

Now we are trying to control these pollutants but in the process of controlling ..we are harming more than curing this problem…we just need to give time and apply our local wisdom to solve this problem.


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