Write an article in 150--200
words giving your views on
"Tourism and Terrorist".
The 21st century is one characterized by more connectivity than at any other point in human
history. Advancements in transport and communication over millennia has made human
existence so interconnected and interdependent that it‘s no longer possible to conceive the word
as made up of non-interacting units and systems. Globalization has decimated national
boundaries making the long aspired international community a reality. As such, global travel has
become widespread, both for business and leisure, but so has other activities like terrorism.
Tourism is a major foreign currency earner and a key contributor to the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) of many nations; it‘s observed that it‘s vibrant in peaceful and politically stable
environments. Terrorism on the other hand, is geared towards creating fear and uncertainty for
social political ends. Inevitably terrorism has big role to play in the success or lack thereof in the key tourism sector...
Tourism and terrorism are two diametrically opposed terms; they cannot exist together,
indeed, they‘re two worlds apart. Tourism connotes living, delight and relaxation whereas
terrorism depicts feelings and images of death, horror and annihilation.
Travel is an integral part
of tourism, tourists move from one location to another to satisfy varied desires. With safety being
a concern for each and every human being, it follows that tourists would rather avoid
destinations that cannot adequately guarantee their safety and security from threats including
terrorism, natural disasters and other man made calamities like war.
Terrorism compared to natural or human made disasters is the most disheartening of all threats of danger for tourists.2
Indeed, many analysts have indicated that terrorism has the most pronounced overall effect on
the tourism and travel industry. Terrorism seeks to create terror and fear in the minds of the
people, this is precisely why it has such an advance effect on tourism as it interferes with one of
the most basic needs of human beings, that of security. According to Abraham Maslow in his
hierarchy of needs, security is a basic need that supersedes that of leisure; accordingly tourism suffers where security cannot be guarenteed.
The effect of terrorism is immediately felt in a country‘s economy more so where tourism
is a major activity. A reduction in the number of visitors to tourist attraction sites has the
inevitable implications revenue and jobs losses for governments and stakeholders in the tourism
industry. It must however be noted that terrorism alone would rarely bring the economy of a
country to its knees more so for the highly diversified economies of the 21st century. While
terrorism may not bring down an entire economy, its effects cannot be assumed especially when
attacks take place in developing and relatively poor countries and tourists come from the
developed and relatively wealthy countries.
There is no universal definition of terrorism which makes it rather difficult to forge a
cohesive and coherent strategy to deal with the problem. Political differences have prevented the
United Nations (UN) from generating a widely recognized and acceptable definition.4
The cause
of this absence of consensus regarding terrorism can be found in the definition adopted by the
Arab Terrorism Convention, Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and the Terrorism Convention of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), they all dismiss armed struggle
for self-determination and liberation as entailing terrorism.
Hope it helps....