English, asked by dogpick, 1 year ago

wt is participle......


Answered by Vanessa18
A participle is a verb that is used as an adjective and often ends with '-ing' or 'ed' or 'en'. It is a verbal adjective and does the work of a verb and an adjective in a sentence.

There are three types of participles- Present participle, Past participle and Perfect participle.

Examples of Present participle are Sparkling, Twinkling, Speaking etc.

Examples of Past participle are Skilled, Wounded, Worked etc.

Example of Perfect participle is Having won the match, the team went on a holiday.
This sentence means that after winning the match, the team went on a holiday.

Hope it helps!!

shreya1231: nice ans dude!!
dogpick: its nice but i wanted a little more explanation friend
Vanessa18: Thank you!! I changed
Answered by shreya1231
heya!! friend!!


the participle is a verbal adjective.it is derived from a verb,but functions as an adjective!

for example!!
this is SURPRISING news i have heard.

the WOUNDED man was taken to the hospital.

SEEING the tiger, the man ran away.

the balloon, FILLED with hot air,was sent up.

in these sentences given above,the words SURPRISING,WOUNDED,SEEING and FILLED are formed from the verbs  SURPRISE,WOUND,SEE and FILL. they qualify nouns NEWS,MAN,THE MAN and BALLOON like adjectives.such describing words have nature of both verbs and adjectives,and are called verbal adjective or participles!!

hope u understood it clearly....and liked it too buddy!!

dogpick: its amazing!!!!! loved it!!!!
dogpick: tysm!!!!!!!!!!
dogpick: will u be my friend and help in solving all eng grammer cause iam very poor
dogpick: plezz
shreya1231: oh sure buddy!!! i would love to help u :)
shreya1231: its my pleasure btw thx
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