you are subhash/suniti you have lost your history text book somewhere in the school premises put up a notice giving description of the book and requesting to return if someone find it
★ Required Notice :
Note: Notice must be written on a box.
A . B . C High school
13th January, 2020
LOST !!!
This is to inform that a history text book is lost during school hours at school premises, whoever get's it is requested to return it on staff room. The book is of orange colour, of class 8th. Rewards will also be given.
Time: During school hours.
Venue: Staff room.
Class student.
★ Format of Notice writing :
- Organization
- Date
- Subject
- Content
- Regards,
- Name
- Designation.
Required notice:-
XYZ High school
4th February 2021
Subject:- History textbook lost
I am Meena of class 8th. This notice is to inform you that I have lost my History book in my school hours. Please return my book to my respective class teacher of 8th or in teachers cabin. So that I can collect it later. A interesting story book will be given for the candidate who will find my book. And I would request him/her to find my book quickly before the last bell rings.
Venue:- Cabin or 8th grade class
Class Student